Course Delivery
- CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care Qualification
- Nationally recognised course and ACECQA approved
- Potential learners must hold CHC30113 or CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care qualification
- Existing Worker Trainees may be eligible for Lower Fees, publicly funded through Jobs and Skills WA initiatives.
- Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) options available to eligible learners.
- Trainees must be employed and work in a regulated early education and care service workplace for a minimum of 15 hours per week
- Delivery and assessment can be through small groups, one on one or on the job
- A minimum of 280 hours of on-the-job practical work placement is required
- A training contract and training plan will be in place, the course includes scheduled face to face workplace training, tutorials and self-paced supported learning

Why Choose Meerilinga?
- Meerilinga Training College are specialists in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Our trainers and assessors are industry qualified and experienced, and are a passionate team of early childhood professionals.
- We have a caring and responsive approach to high quality training, with tailored support for individual learners with additional needs.
- We have small class sizes and create comfortable, safe and trusting environments that enhance learning and wellbeing.
- Primary trainers and assessors supporting learners with industry work placement.

To enrol in the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care course, applicants must already hold:
- CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or
- CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.
The CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is a practical course that will prepare you to enter a rewarding industry where you will provide education and care to children during their most influential years.
This qualification reflects the role of early childhood educators who are responsible for designing and implementing curriculum in early childhood education and care services. In doing so they work to implement an approved learning framework within the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations and the National Quality Standard. They may have responsibility for supervision of volunteers or other staff.
There are many aspects on how to assist child development, Trainees learn about providing basic care for children and babies, nurturing their creativity, right through to fostering their holistic development, whilst maintaining a healthy, inclusive, and safe environment.
Completing the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care will enable Educators to work at a senior level and provide the core skills and experience they need to pursue a large range of roles in the early childhood education and care sector such as:
- Child Care Centre Manager / Director
- Family Day Care Provider
- Early Childhood Team Leader
- Family Day Care Coordinator
- Playgroup Coordinator
- Early Childhood Educator
- Assistant Director in an Early Learning Centre
- Preschool Assistant
- Nanny
Training is provided at the workplace by industry qualified and skilled Educators, together with the Supervisor and a Meerilinga Trainer Assessor through the individualised training plan to reflect skills required in this job and include scheduled face to face workplace training/tutorials and self-paced supported study.
You will undertake their learning and assessments through a mixed delivery method.
These include:
- Online learning management system
- Knowledge questions
- Scenario case studies
- Projects
- Direct observations in work environments
- Employer reports
Workplace visits will be scheduled 6 weekly with you and the Meerilinga Trainer to provide individualised training and discuss their progress in accordance with their training plan. Trainees will be invited to attend peer training sessions with other students studying CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care with Meerilinga.
What will you need to study this course?
This qualification has essential job requirements for working in early childhood education and care and includes work placement in a regulated early education and care service. In accordance with legislative and industry requirements, you will be required to obtain the following before commencement of in-service instruction:
- Working with Children Check (over 18yrs).
If you are under the age of 18, an alternative criminal history check requirements and reference form is required. - Certificate of Health at your own expense.
Stating you are mentally and physically fit for the provision of early education and care.
MTC Administration Services will provide you with the relevant forms on application
Refer to the MTC Learner Guide, Learner Resources and Policies for more information on this course and studying with Meerilinga.
This Diploma consists of 15 units. This course is open to students who have a current CHC30121 Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care, therefore you may be eligible for Credit Transfer for some units.
This will be determined for individual applicants upon receipt of their verified academic statement provided at enrolment.
Unit Code | Units |
CHCECE041 | Maintain a safe and healthy environment for children |
CHCECE044 | Facilitate compliance in an education and care service |
CHCPOL002 | Develop and implement policy |
CHCECE046 | Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children |
CHCECE050 | Work in partnership with children’s families |
CHCECE043 | Nurture creativity in children |
CHCECE045 | Foster positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in children |
BSBTWK502 | Manage team effectiveness |
CHCDIV003 | Manage and Promote Diversity |
CHCECE049 | Embed environmental responsibility in service operations |
CHCPRP003 | Reflect on and improve own professional practice |
CHCECE042 | Foster holistic early childhood learning, development and wellbeing |
CHCECE047 | Analyse information to inform learning |
CHCECE048 | Plan and implement children’s education and care curriculum |
HTLAID012 | Provide first aid in an education and care setting |
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting
The First Aid unit – HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting is a compulsory unit and is delivered through Meerilinga.
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting is run over a two day period from 8:30am – 4:30pm at Meerilinga’s Ballajura training rooms and students are required to attend both days in order to complete the unit. If you DO NOT attend both days of training you will be required to complete the unit externally to Meerilinga and at your own expense.
Pre-enrolment at Meerilinga may occur face to face or virtually. Meerilinga will always provide written information along with marketing materials and website before enrolling or entering into an agreement with an applicant. We will cover:
- How training and assessment will be conducted and where – for example, face to face, virtual classroom, work placement and other location information
- Enrolment application and the required supporting documentation
- Practical work placement, including essential certificates and clearances required for working in early childhood education and care
- What equipment learners need to complete the course
- Program costs, including any possible additional fees, and payment due dates
- Refund and cancellation policies
- Complaint processes
- Barriers to learning and support services for students
During the pre-enrolment process, our Student Administration Officers are able to gather information from the potential applicant and analyse whether the training is the applicants desired outcome or solution. We request evidence about an applicant’s eligibility if seeking a funded place, their background and skills which are instrumental in making sure the learner is in the right class, studying the right subject and at the right level. A successful applicant becomes a student.
Students may be referred directly to a mentoring or support service to enable the best opportunity for a successful completion. Students are guided to the LLN survey and provided detailed information about the course, all of its expectations and induction dates.
Meerilinga Training College offers a range of support services to learners, including:
- Training Needs Analysis
- Career Advice, Resume Writing and Work Readiness
- Commendations and Complaints
- Cultural Inclusion, Access and Support
- Direct Debit and Payment Plans
- Language Literacy and Numeracy
- Library
- Mentoring
- Referral to External Agencies and Services
- Study and Assessment Guidance
- Uniform and applicable PPE
- Work Placement
Learners can access these services during business hours 8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays and Meerilinga closure) by appointment for the duration of their enrolment with Meerilinga. If you are unsure which service you need, please contact MTC Administration Services.
Learners may also seek guidance from their primary Trainer who may be able to address your need or guide you to alternate supports.
MTC Administration – General Enquiries, Work Placement, Referral and Learner Services
9489 4022
Cultural Engagement and Liaison Advisor
9489 4010
Student Mentor
9489 4022
9489 4005
Fees and Payment Plans
9489 4007
Virtual Classroom Support
9489 4022
9489 4022
All applications will be assessed by the Meerilinga based on the following criteria:
- Applicant being employed and work in a regulated early education and care service workplace for a minimum of 15 hours per week and Employer has agreed to traineeship.
- Completed Application Form and all supporting documentation
- Proficiency in language, literacy and numeracy
- Essential job requirements to engage in child-related work, ability to obtain a compliant:
- Criminal History Check
- Certificate of Health
- Funding approval from the Department of Training and Workforce Development
You are eligible for the course if your primary place of residence is in Western Australia and you are:
- An Australian citizen; or
- A permanent visa holder; or
- A holder of visa subclass 300, 309, 444, 445, 461, 785, 790, or 820 visa; or
- A secondary holders of a temporary visa of subclass 188, 457, 482, 489, 491 or 494 visa; or
- A Bridging Visa E holder (subclasses 050 and 051) where the visa holder has made a valid application for a visa of subclass 785 or 790;
- A Ukraine citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449 or 786;
- An Afghan citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449; and
- A holder of a bridging visa who are eligible to work, and who have made a valid application for a subclass 866.
Contact Meerilinga for more information on specific visa’s details.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Meerilinga Training College (MTC) offers RPL to any student who can provide evidence of competency for the units in this course, where previous skills and knowledge, achieved through formal and informal training, industry work experience or other life experiences, is appropriately recognised. RPL can be used to get credit for units in a course or sometimes the whole qualification. Fees apply per unit for RPL, please refer to the Fees Policy.
You can apply for RPL at the time of enrolment by indicating you wish to be considered for RPL on the MTC application form. You will need to provide evidence of your achievements and experience prior to enrolment, and this may come in the form of a written self-assessment and/or an interview. The evidence is systematically assessed for recognition purposes to align with the requirements of the rules of evidence as determined by the Vocational Education Training (VET) industry regulatory body, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) for this qualification. If deemed eligible, we will proceed with the RPL process.
Credit Transfer
Meerilinga provides credit transfer free of charge. Credit Transfer is only awarded to units of competency that have been deemed by the Training Package as having ‘equivalent competency outcomes’.
Meerilinga does not require a student to repeat any unit in which they have previously been assessed as competent, unless a regulatory requirement or license condition requires this. Where a student provides suitable evidence such as a statement of attainment of having successfully completed a unit at another Registered Training Organisation, Meerilinga will verify authenticity via the USI online portal or by contacting the issuing training provider before awarding a credit transfer.
This qualification is part of the WA Government publicly funded Jobs and Skills WA initiative that has been extended for 2025.
Course fees are FREE for students that commence training in 2025 for a limited number of places, as determined by the State Government. When fee free places are no longer available, reduced course fees under the Lower Fees, Local Skills will apply, where you pay only half the standard course fees to 31 December 2025.
* Please Note: Fee Free Excludes Trainees deemed to be Existing Workers.
The fees are based on the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development VET Fees and Charges Policy for the current year. Visit the Department of Training and Workforce Development website to read the current VET Fees and Charges.
Evidence and approval in relation to fee waiver due to severe financial hardship, concession, units eligible for recognition of prior learning or credit transfer within the specified period of time is outlined in the Learner Guide and within the Department of Training and Workforce Development VET Fees and Charges for each year – refer to the website link above.
Student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.
Additional fees may apply for student services, resource fees and incidental charges may be incurred through the course of study.
Meerilinga Training College will publish applicable fees on this web page and in Policy.
Please refer to MTC Fees, Charges, Waivers, Deferred Payment and Refunds Policy.
CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care Traineeship
Course fees are FREE in 2025 for a limited number of places, as determined by the State Government.
Fee Type Publicly Funded | Tuition Fees 01/01/25 – allocated places end in 2025 |
**Concession and Non-Concession Course/Tuition 25 years plus, 18-24 years and * Secondary School Age | $0 |
Existing Workers – Concession | $400.00 (Annual Fee CAP 01/01/25-31/12/25) |
Existing Workers – Non Concession | $1200.00 (Annual Fee CAP 01/01/25-31/12/25) |
When fee FREE places are no longer available, reduced course fees under the Lower Fees, Local Skills as tabled below, will apply:
Fee Type Publicly Funded Lower Fees, Local Skills | Tuition Fees Course Fees will only be charged up to the fee cap per calendar year | Annual Fee Cap 01/01/25 – 31/12/25 |
**Concession Course/Tuition Fee 25 Years Plus, 18-24 years and *Secondary School Age | $512.16 | $400 |
Non-Concession 18-24 Years | $1728.54 | $400 |
Non-Concession 25 Years Plus | $1728.54 | $1200 |
Under the publicly funded Lower Fees, Local Skills initiative, course units commenced in 2025 will be charged up to the fee cap. In 2025, the annual fees cap means that full fee paying students will pay a maximum of $1200 and concession fee paying students will pay a maximum of $400 for all course units commenced within a calendar year.
*Secondary School Age persons who are not enrolled at school (a person who has reached 15 years of age but has not reached the end of the calendar year in which their compulsory education period expires, as defined in the School Education Act 1999. In 2025, these persons will be born on or after 1 July 2007).
**Concession applies where proof of eligibility is provided on application
The following students are entitled to the concession rate on course fees:
a) Persons and dependents of persons holding:
i) Pensioner Concession Card
ii) A Repatriation Health Benefits Card issued by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs
iii) A Health Care Card
b) Persons and dependents of persons in receipt of AUSTUDY or ABSTUDY
c) Persons and dependents of persons in receipt of the Youth Allowance
d) Persons and dependents of persons who are inmates of a custodial institution
e) Secondary school age persons, not enrolled at school
f) Persons and dependents of persons who are in receipt of services from a selected Commonwealth support or employment services programs
i) Workforce Australia
ii) ParentsNext
Concession must be valid for the full enrolment period to receive the full concession rate. Units commenced after concession expiry will attract non-concession rates. Please note change in concession eligibility for 25 years plus will affect course fee caps.
Please contact MTC Administration Services for any queries you have on fees and payments.
Fee Collection
Where fees apply, Course Fees for each Calendar year will be invoiced on commencement of the Students first unit and payment will be determined by the students option they elected on their enrolment form.
Course fees are calculated on the Nominal Hours of each unit set by the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD). Nominal hours do not represent the hours of training or instruction.
Meerilinga provides students with a ‘pay as you study’ fortnightly payment plan, using an automatic payment system linked to a nominated debit or credit card. This allows students to pay course fees over the agreed time frame.
During the enrolment process, if the student elects to pay by instalments a personalised Pay Fee By Instalment and Direct Debit Request and Agreement is establish outlining a fortnightly payment schedule, based on the student’s training plan. The Pay Fee By Instalment Application form is signed by the student over 18 years of age, or by their parent/guardian if the student is under 18 years of age.
Where a direct debit fails Meerilinga administration will contact the student to arrange immediate payment and/or update correct payment details.
Please refer to MTC Fees, Charges, Waiver, Deferred Payment and Refunds Policy. for Payment Plan terms and conditions.
Payment Options
On enrolment, students will take up one of the following payment options:
- Pay a maximum of $1500 in nominated instalments;
- Present a signed authority from an employer to invoice that employer for the student’s fees and charge;
- Pay the fee by instalment;
- Make application on the grounds of severe financial hardship for fees and charges to be waived for courses below diploma level or concession-eligible Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses.
Students who fail to take up one of the above options will not be enrolled.
Pre-paid Fee Protection
In accordance Standard 7, clause 7.3 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) 2015, ‘Prepaid fees’ refers to ‘fees collected in advance’ and relates to the fees collected before the relevant services have been provided. These include payments made at any time before, during or after the student enrols. All student fees paid in advance are protected until the training and/or assessment has commenced.
To comply with this clause, Meerilinga will not:
- Accept more than $1000 prior to the commencement of a qualification; or
- Collect more than $1500 in advance from a student, following commencement of enrolment
Where a unit or cluster of units exceed $1000 or $1500 above, the ‘pay as you study’ monthly payment plan will apply or alternative payment arrangements can be made through the Executive Manager Finance.
Waiver due to Severe Financial Hardship
Applications for consideration of severe financial hardship will be managed by the Executive Manager Finance and determined on an Individual basis, taking into account all circumstances. Fee Waivers will follow the requirements for fee waiver assessments of VET Fees and Charges Policy Attachment C.
The applicant needs to establish with documentation that severe financial hardship would result (after reasonable expenses are deducted from income) if Meerilinga pursued the recovery of a fee.
At the sole discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, further tangible evidence of hardship may be requested.
Additional Costs
It is a condition of enrolment that students obtain the following at your own expense:
- Certificate of Health, stating physically and mentally fit for the provision of childcare
- A Working with Children Check (if 18+ yrs)
This documentation must be provided prior to the Cluster 1 census date advised at induction. Failure to do so will result in your enrolment being cancelled.
Resource Fees
Course/Tuition Fees do not include the cost of recommended reading materials for your course. These can be purchased separately by the student through an external provider. Please note if purchased externally, they must be the correct edition and be purchased before the commencement of your studies. See below for resource information.
Recommended Reading Resource
The Early Childhood Educator for Certificate lll, Third Edition Revised
By: Lorraine Walker
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Australia
Print IBSN: 9781760423377
This resource is available to purchase online. You can purchase the resource directly from retailers such as Booktopia or Zookal. For those that prefer digital media, an eBook version is also available.
Student Resources
Free training resources are available to download from the Meerilinga website to support student’s learning. All students need access to a personal computer or digital device to view and download additional Learner Resources.
Recognition of Prior Learning Fee
Where units are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning a charge of $100 per unit will apply.
Credit Transfer
Units eligible for Credit Transfer are free of charge.
For more details on Meerilinga fees and charges please Contact Us.
Refer to the Learner Guide and Policies for more information on RPL and Credit Transfer at Meerilinga.
Re-Issue of Record Fee
Where request is made to re-issue a record, a charge of $50.00 for each document will apply eg: certification documentation such as Qualifications and Statements of Attainment.
Deferring and Withdrawing from Course or Unit
Students that are studying a Unit, Certificate or Diploma, loan can withdraw from a Meerilinga training course:
- If approached and signed up on the spot, students automatically have a 10 day cooling-off period by law; or
- Prior to the census date, as stated on the student invoice; and
- Must do so in writing, using the approved Deferment/Withdrawal Request Form.
This ensures that Meerilinga can appropriately close off the student’s enrolment and maintain accurate and up-to-date records.
Students are able to view their Census Date on all unit invoices or you can calculate your Census Date using the Census Day Calculator here. Students are made aware that if the Census date has passed, they will be liable to pay any fees and charges for units that have been commenced and other costs applicable. Please contact mtc@meerilinga.org.au or phone 08 9489 4034 if you need additional support finding your Census Dates.
Students withdrawing from a unit or course prior to the cooling off period or census date can apply for a refund. Any request for a refund will be assessed in accordance with the MTC Fees, Charges, Waiver, Deferred Payment and Refunds Policy.
Students must read the accompanying Deferment, Assessment Extension and Withdrawal Policy for all options and complete and submit the Deferment/Withdrawal Request Form with supporting evidence.
A student may lodge a complaint with their local consumer protection agency.
Meerilinga Training College ensures that students and clients have access to a fair and equitable process of dealing with appeals, concerns and grievances and provides an avenue for students to appeal decisions which may affect the student’s progress. This includes the student’s right to appeal assessment outcomes, fees and payments and general concern. In the first instance students and clients should discuss concerns directly with the Education Team.
All concerns, complaints, grievances, and appeals and subsequent actions, outcomes and improvements will be recorded and forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer without delay, stored centrally (a copy can be retained where it was lodged). The central records will be used to identify any opportunities to improve our systems and identify appropriate corrective and preventative actions. All complaints and requests for an appeal will be acknowledged in writing and finalised as soon as practicable.
All documentation and records relating to a concern, complaint, grievance or appeal are to be held confidentially. All formal complaints will be attended to within 10 working days of being received.
No costs are associated with lodging a Complaint that is resolved internally by Meerilinga staff. Where a complaint is forwarded on to an external body for review, the costs will be shared by the student and Meerilinga. Students are encouraged to contact the Meerilinga Office for more information in this regard.
Meerilinga is a member of a Mediation Scheme which will handle all complaints and grievances that cannot be resolved internally by Meerilinga. Please contact the Meerilinga office if you require contact details. In the first instance students and clients should discuss concerns directly with the Education Team.
Please refer to our Appeals and Complaints, Grievances and Concerns Policies
Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, Meerilinga Training College is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).
Your personal information (including the personal information contained on this enrolment form), may be used or disclosed by Meerilinga Training College for statistical, administrative, regulatory and research purposes. Meerilinga Training College may disclose your personal information for these purposes to:
- Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies; and
Personal information that has been disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed by NCVER for the following purposes:
- Populating authenticated VET transcripts;
- Facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage;
- Pre-populating RTO student enrolment forms;
- Understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
- Administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.
You may receive a student survey which may be administered by a government department or NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor or other authorised agencies. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted. If you are concerned about a survey please contact MTC for guidance.
NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the National VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at www.ncver.edu.au).
All personal and sensitive information is held in Meerilinga archives for a reasonable period of time as per Australian Law dictates. Once this information is no longer required Meerilinga will take reasonable steps to destroy the information or to ensure it is de-identified. Meerilinga also uses an external provider, CTI Records Management, for secure and confidential off-site storage.
Please refer to our Privacy Policy.